5 Mistakes That Changed History

5 Mistakes That Changed History

Assemble George Square – The Crate

As a Geographer at heart, at first this show may not have seemed to have been matched for me, but how wrong I was ! This was an hour of brilliantly relayed historical facts that I will now remember for a very very long time !!

Paul Coulter takes us on a fantastic adventure through five of the great ‘what ifs…?’ in history, showing us all that ‘to err is human’ and if these five anecdotes are anything to go by, erring may well produce some very great results and some which those involved may want to quickly forget !! We were skilfully whisked from person to person, with energetic storytelling and engaging facts keeping the entire audience enthralled…a little democratic voting meant we also got some participation of our own…

It’s easy to see why this is selling out, everyone makes mistakes but don’t let missing out on seeing this show be one of yours….

My mini-reviewer said : “…wonderfully phrased and highly fascinating..”