How To Be A Kid

How To Be A Kid

Roundabout – Summerhall

Molly is twelve, and being twelve is hard enough without negotiating life with a highly energetic and annoying little brother called Joe and a mum who spends the day in bed, feeling sad after Nan has died….and so super-girl is born. Super-girl can cook, can wash up, can look after Joe and get them both to school in time…super-girl can manage anything….until….

This brilliant fast-paced production deals with this challenging topic sensitively and looks at family relationships and what can happen when people can’t cope. Using the impressive space of the unique Roundabout venue we are taken along on the ‘serious’ adventure that Molly and her brother Joe go on….there are plenty of laughs along the way and a touch of dancing too with a catchy Taylor Swift pop soundtrack!

Acknowledging that family relationships are complicated and exposing our feelings is tricky, this dynamic performance takes you along on the highs and lows that life can throw at you, and it’s well worth the ride.

My mini reviewer said ”I liked dancing at the end, and when Joe got a free Happy Meal – that was brilliant !”

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