Lords of Strut : The Family Show



Lords of Strut: The Family Show

Assembly George Square Gardens

I am not sure who was enjoying the Lords of Strut show more today – the adults or the children? but it’s fair to say this fast paced, chaotic show is entertaining for the whole family.

Proudly exclaiming they want to ‘change our lives through dance’, Irish brothers Famous Seamus and Sean-tastic lead us through an hour of brilliant break dancing, amazing acrobatics and some really rather attractive shellsuits and glittery pants! Set along to some familiar 80s tunes that got the whole audience clapping along, this show is filled with wit and charm. The rapport between the two performers is fantastic and means there is never a dull moment, and of course, the audience are required to get involved along the way too..

Sprinkled with a few surprises, (I am not sure I will ever be able to look at a teaspoon in quite the same way for a while), this silly show is sure to brighten up your afternoon.

My mini reviewer says : ”I liked their sparkly pants and when they got a new dad.”