The Bear

The Bear


Pins and Needles bring us this gentle and enchanting adaptation of Raymond Briggs’ much loved book, and we’re thrilled to be here when the Bear decides to pay a visit…

Tilly, wandering around in her onesie is hugely engaging and starts interacting with the audience as soon as we are getting seated…her musical numbers help the pace of the show, which at times does feel a little too stretched. While Tilly is safely tucked up sleeping we see a huge polar bear squeeze itself through her bedroom window and we are fully captivated ! Clever puppetry, especially the large Bear feet make this truly magical and as the Bear causes chaos in Tilly’s bedroom, the bathroom and kitchen alike we are all happily entertained. As the Bear retreats away again at the end of the day, a sense of sadness fills the room, immediately replaced by intrigue as a giant white parachute fills the stage – a finale of the Bear in its polar home is a little dusting of extra magic.

A thoughtful and considered piece, suited well to younger children who will enjoy the charm and appeal of the story…..

My mini reviewers say : ” I liked the Bear coming through the window..”

”The puppets were amazing – the baby bear was super cute…”

Image result for 3 1/2 stars