I Piano

I Piano


If you want a break from the loud shoutiness of the frenetic Fringe, here is your antidote! Upon entering the delightfully quirky and truly intimate theatre of the Pianodrome, (the world’s first amphitheature made solely out of pianos, a magnificent sight in itself to check out), you are immediately plunged into an enchanted world where anything is possible.

As the lights dim, a sleeping figure hidden underneath a grand piano, begins to stir. We discover he is the spirit of the piano, but something is wrong! “I Piano” has lost it’s music! The fun starts as Piano and his companion a little girl, invite the audience to join them as they set off on a magical adventure in search of the music.

Through charming and mesmerising shadow puppetry, together with exceptionally talented musical accompaniments, any audience big or small will be won over by this engaging and unexpected story telling. The deceptively simple cast of two, skilfully draw us into lands inhabited by flamboyant characters who help in the search for the missing music, which children in the audience shape with their suggestions. A musical carrot and an ink squirting octopus are part of the eclectic cast. You will be swept away by their charm and ingenuity backed by familiar classical favourites.

Subtle and appealing, this calming and gentle show succeeded in winning the children’s attention. It will appeal to children from 4 – 94. Full of musicality and vitality this is a little gem; and is very highly recommended. Grab it now, ends Sunday!

My Mini reviewers said, “I liked it when Piano disappeared; that was funny’               “I liked the shadow puppets”.

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