The Listies Make Some Noise

The Listies Make Some Noise

House of Oz

We were 110% ready for this…we LOVE LOVE LOVE the Listies and this show had us belly laughing from start to finish…

Exploring all things musical, from instruments to lullabies to an extraordinary audience filled orchestra featuring unique skills…an hour always feels waaaaaay too short, we just want more! Matt and Rich have brought their high energy antics back to the stage, and they weren’t the only ones making some noise – the entire audience were clearly having an incredible time, with a humungous amount of LOLing…. and even Beyonce turned up for a piece of the action…

Highlights included a most informative power point presentation, trumpet crumpets and the cutest baby from questionable origins owning the stage….we can’t wait to see it all again !

My mini-reviewers said: ‘...I liked seeing Matt’s bum crack lots !’…

‘..the baby and the slide show were hilarious…’