Mavis Sparkle

Mavis Sparkle


With her cheeky cuckoo clock, a mystery pet called Spike and her adorable and rather impressive cleaning trolley, it’s hard not to love Mavis Sparkle !

Sprinkled with magic tricks (and just a touch of glitter); this is a gentle, enchanting show which is sure to appeal to little ones. We meet Mavis on her last day at work and she introduces us to her family -‘the Sparkles’, taking us through some of their family adventures in the beloved campervan Connie! Mavis is now looking for her next adventure and finding the courage to follow her dreams.

Thoughtfully done, it’s the little touches that add the extra sparkle to this show. We are treated to delightful shadow puppetry, clever illusions, a smattering of tricks and all this with the hint of real magic in the air!

My mini reviewers say : ”I liked being dusted…” ”It was awesome, and really cute meeting Spike”

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