Me and My Bee


Me and My Bee


”When I say ‘bee’ you say ‘party’ ”……this innovative show invites you to an actual party party (with hats, party poppers and games of course), which we soon discover is actually a political party disguised as a show!

The plight of the humble bumble bee is explored in this fun and informative show as we join Josie and Greta in their bid to share the life story of their friend Joe – a (not so) small bee who has lost his flower- so that we may learn about their hard work and importance in the world. We discover astounding facts about bees, sing songs, meet our neighbours and ultimately join the political party in their quest to ‘save the bees and save the world’. Packed full of humour, with plenty of participation, dance moves and a cute party bag; this colourful show will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. It was a joy!

Energetic, entertaining and enlightening….this show is the absolute bees knees !!

My mini reviewer says : ”I had so much fun at the Bee party, I liked the Bee when he was dancing…buzz buzz buzz buzz”

Image result for four stars