Kathy and Stella Solve a Murder (12+)

Kathy and Stella Solve a Murder

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow……we totally LOVED this ! What an absolutely slick production, the songs, the choreography, the set, the storyline and with a live band on stage to top it all off !

True crime fans will adore this show, and so will pretty much everyone else ! It has both the perfect blend of mystery to keep us engaged and humour to keep us entertained…the humble wheelie office chair is given a starring role too ! But this is about so much more than solving a crime; its about friendship and finding your passions and being disillusioned and ultimately a whole lot of acceptance.

A perfect show to bring older children along to, with a myriad of characters for them to appreciate alongside the intriguing forensic storyline, catchy music and silly jokes…

See you next murder !…..

My mini reviewer said : ”…I really enjoyed it, its been my favourite show so far, I had no idea who the murderer was, so that was a surprise ! It kept me guessing… And I loved all the songs too….”