The Listies: Ickypedia

The Listies: Ickypedia


The Listies are snot-tastically fantastic! They have perfected making children laugh, and what is even better is that they make all the adults laugh too! If there is only one show you manage to make it to with your kids at this year’s fringe – it has to be this one….

Ickypedia is an hour of seriously silly, messy fun which attempts to answer some of life’s unimportant questions along the way. Rich and Matt take us on a whirlwind journey through a ‘werld of werds’, they song-splain anything we may not be familiar with, entertain us with a little banana drama and obviously squeeze in a quick list for old time’s sake. Whilst Rich and Matt use tricks of the trade to get the kids extra excited – water pistols, bubbles, silly string – these are all simply accessories to their incredible quick wit and rapport – which has us in stitches throughout – my stomach actually hurt from laughing so much by the end of it!

Our only complaint ? An hour is way too short……

My mini reviewers said : “…absolutely hilarious..the combined words were really funny, This is the BEST show ever at the fringe for kids..”

…so fantastically awesome…five thousand stars”

Image result for five stars