YUCK Circus (12+)

YUCK Circus

Assembly George Square Gardens

Yuck Yeah !!! These strong, skilled, funny and fearsome women were AWESOME !

Such a refreshing hour of circus, that doesn’t take itself too seriously, whilst managing to offer social commentary on toxic masculinity and negative traits we could all do without in society just now…One for the older children out there, and managing to portray all of these topics in such a fun, playful way. We loved the body positivity on stage, with the all-female cast in their signature simple black underwear, celebrating a diversity of bodies with muscles and strength and pride ! There is tons of physical comedy too, with a clown bringing proper belly laughs and an absurd musical interlude… And this is all without mentioning the circus skills on show, adding their own unique touch to each talent, we see aerial, skipping, hooping and acrobatics in this intimate and immersive venue….being up close and personal really works for this show (except that one moment meaning I will never look at a nail in the same way !)….

Inspired and buzzing after the high energy created within the tent – it’s clear Yuck have a large place in our hearts and we look forward to seeing them again next year….

My mini-reviewer said : ” …I LOVED it…they were amazing…the bit with the nail was unbelievable and icky…so much fun !”….