Rocket Girl

Rocket girl


What do you want to be when you grow up ?….Maisie knows, she wants to be an astronaut…the year is 1969 and she is going to be the first woman to walk on the moon…

Rocket Girl is a hugely captivating, emotional piece of puppetry and theatre – Maisie expertly comes alive in the hands of the cast and takes us along on her space themed adventure. The physicality of the performers is mesmerising and they worked fluidly together to create underground mines, cosmic journeys, cruel playground taunts and even a bug jungle! At the heart of the piece are the relationships that surround Maisie – with her loving father, her rather stern Aunt, unkind school peers and finally an unlikely friendship with a budding entomologist. Maisie encourages us to be ourselves, push against boundaries and follow our dreams…whatever they may be.

Sprinkled with details about space, this emotive piece will surely inspire and motivate all those who strap themselves in and prepare for take off….

My mini reviewers said : “It was great when Maisie made a friend and they explored all the bugs…”

I liked it when Maisie and her Dad were on the rockets…”

Image result for four stars