Beats On Pointe

Beats On Pointe


There’s hardly time to take a breath as an audience member watching this show and I can’t imagine how the performers do it! This show is filled with energy, passion and some seriously fantastic dance skills…

Beginning with a competitive ballet versus hip hop dance off, we quickly see performers blend both genres and what results is truly amazing. We are treated to incredible musical medleys accompanying the dances, and this is a fast-paced show packing a lot of punches. As if the highly skilled dance performances aren’t enough on their own, we also see moments of superb beatboxing, slow motion hilarity, body percussion, singing and a smattering of acrobatics. Each routine includes a different set of bright, colourful and sometimes even luminous LED enhanced outfits that enhance the entire spectacle and delights younger members of the audience. Stand out moments included a moonwalking en pointe ballet dancer and a break-dancer who can spin on his head for what feels like forever!!

The energy radiating from the stage is infectious and it’s clear to see how the performers love what they’re doing as much as you’ll enjoy watching….

My mini- reviewer said: ‘..I loved all the outfits, especially the ones that lit up, and the part with the ballet dancers and the male dancer in the pink tutu was hilarious…’