Happy Birthday Mia

Happy Birthday Mia

Paradise in Augustines

We are greeted by a colourful sleeping Mia surrounded by presents in different sized boxes. Over the course of the 35 minute show an excited Mia finds out what is in these boxes. A cheerful soundtrack accompanies her discoveries.

Mia is a very friendly, smiley character who doesn’t say many words but engages the babies and small children by inviting them to interact with the things she finds inside the boxes.

Towards the end of the show members of the audience are invited on stage to get involved. By this time my 13 month old had become comfortable in Mia’s presence and happily joined the stage to touch and play.

Many shows don’t offer enough time at the end for interaction with performers/ props and other children, which in my experience is the part that mine enjoys the most after she has warmed up to the space. Mia allowed plenty of time for this and seemed quite comfortable with the elements of chaos that free roaming under 5s can create.

This is a lovely low key show, which whilst it may not offer so much for the adults, kept my little one very happy indeed.                                         (Written by Katriona Holmes)

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